Hybrid Inverse Reinforcement Learning
ICML '24

Juntao Ren*, 2
Gokul Swamy*, 1
Steven Wu1

Drew Bagnell1, 3
Sanjiban Choudhury2, 3

Cornell University
Aurora Innovation

*Indicates equal contribution.

Teaser figure.

We present a general theoretical framework for designing efficient algorithms for interactive imitation learning. We leverage this framework to derive novel inverse reinforcement learning algorithms (one model-free, one model-based), both of which come with strong performance guarantees and compare favorably to multiple baselines empirically across a wide set of continuous control environments.


The inverse reinforcement learning approach to imitation learning is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can enable learning from a smaller number of expert demonstrations with more robustness to error compounding than behavioral cloning approaches. On the other hand, it requires that the learner repeatedly solve a computationally expensive reinforcement learning (RL) problem. Often, much of this computation is wasted searching over policies very dissimilar to the expert's. In this work, we propose using hybrid RL — training on a mixture of online and expert data — to curtail unnecessary exploration. Intuitively, the expert data focuses the learner on good states during training, which reduces the amount of exploration required to compute a strong policy. Notably, such an approach doesn't need the ability to reset the learner to arbitrary states in the environment, a requirement of prior work in efficient inverse RL. More formally, we derive a reduction from inverse RL to expert-competitive RL (rather than globally optimal RL) that allows us to dramatically reduce interaction during the inner policy search loop while maintaining the benefits of the IRL approach. This allows us to derive both model-free and model-based hybrid inverse RL algorithms with strong policy performance guarantees. Empirically, we find that our approaches are significantly more sample efficient than standard inverse RL and several other baselines that require stronger assumptions on a suite of continuous control tasks.

Key Insights

1. Inverse IRL is Inefficient Due to RL

Traditional inverse RL (IRL) is formulated as a two-player game with an adversary selecting a reward function in the outer loop, and a learner that optimizes this reward function to completion via reinforcement learning in the inner loop. Consequently, the majority of time in IRL is spent in this inner loop searching over policies. However, because the expert doesn't need to be the optimal policy under the adversarially chosen reward, this can lead to a lot of wasted computation, as shown in the two trees below:

Note that in the above tree MDPs, the expert is not optimal under reward $f_1$ or $f_2$. Nevertheless, in computing the best-response to the reward chosen in the outer loop (i.e. the corresponding optimal policy), the learner needs to pay for the worst-case exploration complexity of RL — $O(\exp(H))$. Given our goal is merely to imitate the expert, this search procedure is needlessly expensive. Furthermore, given the best-response can change widely across iterations, this sort of procedure can introduce instability into the training process. The same set of concerns apply to algorithms that take a small no-regret step (e.g. GAIL) at each inner loop iteration: they need to explore the entire MDP at least once.

2. Reducing Inverse RL to Expert Competitive RL

Recall that at heart, what we care about in IRL is competing with the expert. Thus, intuitively, as long as we can consistently compete with the expert in the inner loop — i.e. via an expert-competitive response rather than a best-response — we might hope that we can derive algorithms with strong performance guarantees. We can now formalize this intuition via a simple proof. We first define an Expert Relative Regret Oracle (ERROr).

Suppose we have some policy-selection algorithm $\mathbb{A}_{\pi}$ which produces a sequence of policies $\pi_{t+1} = \mathbb{A}_{\pi}(f_{1:t})$ for any sequence of reward functions $f_{1:t}$. We say the algorithm satisfies the $\mathsf{Reg}_{\pi}(T)$ expert-relative regret guarantee if $$\sum_{t=1}^T J(\pi_E, f_t) - J(\pi_t, f_t) \leq \mathsf{Reg}_{\pi}(T).$$ In words, this equation tells us that no matter what sequence of reward functions we face, on average, we perform almost as well as the expert. If you have an RL Theory background, this sort of performance difference should set off your spidey senses: most RL algorithms operate by minimizing upper bounds of it. We'll go through some examples of such algorithms in a bit but first, let us see how we can use an ERROr algorithm inside IRL. Let's assume we pick a sequence of reward functions $f_{1:T}$ via training a discriminator between learner and expert data. Then, via the ERROr property, we have that $\bar{\pi}$ (the mixture of $\pi_{1:T}$) satisfies $$\begin{aligned}J(\pi_E, r) - J(\bar{\pi}, r) &= \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T J(\pi_E, r) - J(\pi_t, r) \\ &\leq \max_{f^{\star} \in \mathit{F}_r} \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T J(\pi_E, f^{\star}) - J(\pi_t, f^{\star}) \\ &\leq \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T J(\pi_E, f_t) - J(\pi_t, f_t) + \frac{\mathsf{Reg}_f(T)}{T}H \\ &\leq \frac{\mathsf{Reg}_{\pi}(T)}{T} + \frac{\mathsf{Reg}_f(T)}{T} H.\end{aligned}$$ If we use a no-regret reward selection algorithm such as online gradient descent, the second term goes to 0 as $T \to \infty$. In short, we only need to compete with the expert on average to ensure we learn a strong policy.

3. Using Hybrid RL to Perform ECRs

By leveraging prior algorithms in hybrid RL (Ross and Bagnell (2012), Song et al. (2023), Vemula et al. (2023)) that satisfy the ERROr property in the inner RL loop, we can efficiently find strong policies without reward information. In particular, we derive two hybrid inverse RL algorithms with strong performance guarantees using this framework: a model-free variant named HyPE (Hybrid Policy Emulation) and a model-based variant named HyPER (Hybrid Policy Emulation with Resets).

For example, we instantiate HyPE using the HyQ algorithm from Song et al. (2023) as the inner RL algorithm as follows:

  1. Maintain one buffer of expert samples, one buffer of policy rollouts.
  2. Run your on/off-policy RL algorithm on the mixture of these buffers.

Correspondingly, we instantiate HyPER using the LAMPS algorithm from Vemula et al. (2023) as follows:

  1. Rollout the policy in the real world.
  2. Update the model on a mixture of learner and expert data.
  3. Run some RL algorithm inside the model, resetting to states from the expert demonstrations to reduce exploration and model exploitation.

We note that HyPER is equivalent to running the FILTER algorithm inside a model fit on hybrid data.

4. Empirical Results

We benchmark HyPE and HyPER against other inverse RL baselines on locomotion tasks from D4RL and the MuJoCo suite. Notably, neither of our algorithms requires the ability to reset to specific states within the environment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest performance achieved by any algorithm that does not assume access to reward information on antmaze, including those that require generative model access to the environment.

We release all our code in the link below.




Paper thumbnail

Hyrbid Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Juntao Ren*, Gokul Swamy*, Zhiwei Steven Wu, J. Andrew Bagnell, Sanjiban Choudhury

    title = {Hybrid Inverse Reinforcement Learning},
    author = {Juntao Ren and Gokul Swamy and Zhiwei Steven Wu and J. Andrew Bagnell and Sanjiban Choudhury},
    year = {2024},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning},


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